Here's the deal Mr. Winter, you're either cold, dark, p*ssing with rain or blowing a bloody gale or all of those things on a really great day! But ... if there were no seasons how would you appreciate the few flakes of snow that might appear on Christmas morning? Or the first snowdrops that pop... Continue Reading →
Team Wimpy: A summer round up!
What a brilliant summer it's been, we heard from the lovely Amie and Raven so here's a little update from the rest of my amazing Team Wimpy ladies... they make me very very proud. Susan our polo queen! Pataca and I have now completed the 2018 grass polo season! A whole blooming season, DONE! We... Continue Reading →
#blogtober – Autumn essentials for you…
In the spirit of equestrian blogging, I have decided to dip in and out of the #horsebloggers Blogtober topics when the inspiration takes me. Today it took me... I'm going to bring you my 3 Autumn essentials that I, or anyone else shouldn't be living without. Now, I expect you're about to click the home... Continue Reading →
Suze and George – August Golden Ticket Winners!
So, you may have seen that in August I offered one lucky book buyer the chance to win a GOLDEN TICKET! A Wimpy Wonka if you will... this ticket entitled the recipient to a day with ME! I would come to their house and terrorize them for a whole day! And that's exactly what I... Continue Reading →
Team Wimpy Update: The Wonderful Amie and Raven
I am so excited to share all the events of the past few months with you! My last update ended on the high of my riding Jasper for the first time. Three months on and I’m so happy to say since then Raven and I have completed our first clear round event and two one... Continue Reading →
Which rug should I put on my horse?
Rugging Temperature GuideNow, this doesn’t cover everything there is to know or every different circumstance, and I sharn't make this into too much of a biology lesson either. But hopefully it helps in times of rugging confusion! What I have learnt...I have run some of the most elite yards in the country, working with both... Continue Reading →
What I wear competing Part 2: Show Jumping
There are obviously do’s and don’ts that you have to comply with and I advise that if you are unsure that you check with the British Eventing Rule Books just to be safe. I know that all of the gear I am wearing is above board but equally I also know that I push the... Continue Reading →
Number 6 – Frickley (2): The one with the happiness
So, here we are again... on the eve of an event and having just walked the course, I didn't feel horrendous. Certainly no where near as bad as my last event at Shelford. I put so much pressure on myself there and I didn't enjoy a single bit of that feeling. Frickley was all about... Continue Reading →
The Region Final: the one with the vomiting!!
So... yesterday was my Badminton Grassroots Regional Final at Shelford. Throughout the season you get to pick up qualifying results (approx top 3) which mean you are eligible for a RF at that level. At the final you have to be in the top 20% to get through to the championship held at Badminton. And... Continue Reading →
Number 4: the Enlightening One!
So, here it is.... my fourth event of the 2018 season, an unaffiliated event run at Epworth Equestrian. Now, for anyone wondering... yes, I have my BE90 Regional Final at Shelford in 2 weeks and yes, I know I did the 80cm class today but I want my horse’s confidence to blossom, I want him... Continue Reading →
What I wear Competing: Part 1 – Dressage
There are obviously do’s and don’ts that you have to comply with and I advise that if you are unsure that you check with the British Eventing or British Dressage Rule Books just to be safe. I know that all of the gear I am wearing is above board but equally I also know that... Continue Reading →
*Very Personal* Wanting something too much…
Please don't read any further if you've popped over here for a bit of cheery light hearted reading... it probably won't turn out that way! I want to share this for my own sanity, I think about it everyday without fail and I think talking about it, saying it out loud might help me and... Continue Reading →
August Favourites – you can’t afford NOT to…
Now, protection is something we all have at the forefront of our minds; not only for ourselves but (often more importantly) for our horses. I'm relatively new to Eventing and I have only one, very precious horse. I want to make sure I am doing all I can for his safety and longevity as a... Continue Reading →
Number 3: The one that wasn’t so good on paper….
So, my 3rd BE of the season (can’t quite believe I’m saying this when it’s nearly August!!) happened yesterday at Frickley Park! I’ve been consciously trying to lighten up about things and try to enjoy having fun with my horse instead of piling on pressure and being a miserable cockwomble. This was the one and... Continue Reading →
My July Favourites – What’s GLOVE got to do with it?
So, being 'out there' in the public eye definitely has it's ups and downs. Being a blogger and author or one of the largest equestrian blogs in the country brings with it some exciting opportunities to try new things that I ordinarily wouldn't get to try. New product launches, events and meet ups are so... Continue Reading →
Speetley BE90: The one where it all came good…
WELL WELL WELL..... So, Here it is... Speetley BE90, my 2nd BE of the season. As most of you will have read, I had a total knock in every sense last Sunday at Epworth with a refusal in the show jumping and another out on course... It was a day for learning not to ride... Continue Reading →
The one that didn’t go so well!!!
So, a last minute entry into the 90cms Show-cross at Epworth Equestrian Ltd saw us power trotting around our regular hacking route last night in an attempt to tire out my keener that usual pony ready for the big day. Normally I like to get out somewhere but with time being tight, a decent hack... Continue Reading →
First BE of 2018 – Shelford BE90 – a day of exhuberance!
Here it is, my first BE of 2018... So, my routine outing before the big day was complete with my dressage trip on Friday night, I gave him a little pop over some jumps in the field yesterday to round off our prep. I then went to my big brothers for a family barbecue, drank... Continue Reading →
Those who can, teach…
So, 2 months ago I got a text from my dear Team Wimpy member and friend Liz Pears, asking if I fancied helping her out with a bit of “motivational instructing” at a Nervous and Novice camp in May... it seemed such a long way off and I’m at the stage in life where I... Continue Reading →
5 Things I LOVE about YOU…
Whilst swimming in a sea of social media warriors spewing out uninvited negativity, I thought I'd take the time to tell you FIVE, bloody brilliant reasons that I LOVE being one of those 'horse people'. Go ahead, find your reason to be proud, to enjoy stinking of urine, eating packet noodles and never brushing your... Continue Reading →