

Here's the deal Mr. Winter, you're either cold, dark, p*ssing with rain or blowing a bloody gale or all of those things on a really great day! But ... if there were no seasons how would you appreciate the few flakes of snow that might appear on Christmas morning? Or the first snowdrops that pop... Continue Reading →

Which rug should I put on my horse?

Rugging Temperature GuideNow, this doesn’t cover everything there is to know or every different circumstance, and I sharn't make this into too much of a biology lesson either. But hopefully it helps in times of rugging confusion! What I have learnt...I have run some of the most elite yards in the country, working with both... Continue Reading →

Those who can, teach…

So, 2 months ago I got a text from my dear Team Wimpy member and friend Liz Pears, asking if I fancied helping her out with a bit of “motivational instructing” at a Nervous and Novice camp in May... it seemed such a long way off and I’m at the stage in life where I... Continue Reading →

On a High (fibre) at Highclere!

Some time ago I received a message, from a lovely lady asking for my address so that she could invite me to something very special. I obliged of course! (Who wouldn’t!?) Now, the invite came and it was a big surprise, The Earl and Countess of Carnarvon invite you to a special day at Highclere... Continue Reading →

Giving Fear the Finger!

A battle with the ‘F’ word. You know sometimes when you sit and think for too long, you talk yourself in and out of decisions, you feel confused and need guidance on which way to turn? The decision to leave that job you hate, to get married, to start a family, to try something that... Continue Reading →

Feeding for purpose

I thought I would take a minute to impart a little wisdom, please take from it what you will for I am no David Marlin, but what I do have is experience, years of it, spanning over 300 horses that I have cared for in these years. Now, these days, what to feed your horse... Continue Reading →

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