
I’ve only gone and won a TROPHY!!!

With the eventing season drawing to a close, I turn my attention to the demon that is dressage! Over 2 months ago, Pat and I had a double win at Novice and Elementary which qualified us for a Championship. Ludicrously bad timing, in that it fell the day after our BE90 debut at Aston Le Walls!  I turned out early so the poor bugger could walk off any stiffys he had from the previous day and dragged him back in at 11 for our hack to the Champs! Arrived in lots of time and very slowly warmed up with lots of stretching to coax his tired muscles into some sort of organised outline!

Into the first test N34 – well, beaming the whole way round – I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I don’t much like doing Novice or Elementary in a 20×40 anymore now Ive had the luxury of a long arena but, if we just breathe and keep it collected – we make it – just about! And isn’t that what it’s about?! – No dry mouth, no sweating, no near death experiences, just breathing and enjoying it!  We nailed it for a 73.8% just pipped to the Championship slot by 1.5% – Thrilled – clever tired boy.



The second test was somewhat more of a challenge – fitting the tough Elementary 49into a 20×40 is no mean feat! Pat was quite tired now and I had to use my spurs a little more than I like to 🙁 But we got there – even the ‘very nearly’ wrong direction leg yield didn’t put us out of kilter! For a 65% test – our neatest Elementary to date in a short arena.  We shared first place on a 65% and got a HUGE trophy for winning the Elementary league.  I am so delighted and proud that he tried so hard for me after such a busy weekend.  I would love to just say a MASSIVE thank you to my beloved Lisa for very eloquently calling both tests, my dear devoted husband for videoing and keeping the pony mint supplies up and once again to my absolute pleasure of a horse for just being you xxx


NB: Links to the videos of both tests are here – N34 and E49 – For anyone sad enough to want to watch me grinning like a toss-pot round the arena!!!

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